
Music and Guitar Lessons For life

I have Inflatable Shoe never met anyon who didn't wish that thei could plai music, be it with aspir of plai in a big rock-band, plai around a campfir to friend and family, or just strum some chord or sing when your alon and relaxing. Learn to plai can be the most reward experi of your life! Sure it can be frustrat sometimes, but when you final plai those four of five bar correctli and you suddenli make that instrument speak, man that feel good and it feel even better when you get togeth with some good friend and your abl to make some music and realli plai together, it is veri rewarding! The first instrument I learn to plai wa call a tone flute, It wa made of black plastic and I love it, i spent hour after music class blow out some horribl tune us loos but I could, and still can plai twinkl twinkl at the drop of a hat, I learn to plai music and I found it to be veri enjoy I never thought much of it then but that tone flute had a profound effect on my life. Ever sinc then I haven't gone a dai without music, that wa 1985 and I wa taught by a music teacher whose name wa Mr Wagner. I don't rememb much about that man other then he wore a lot of polyest and wa abl to teach a five year old hyper-spast kid how to read and plai music.E,G B,D,F EVERY GOOD BOY DOES FINE I still rememb it Thank you Mr Wagner. So I digress a bit but all I'm sai is that learn to plai music wa on of the greatest thing I have ever learn it ha given me a lifetim of enjoyment.. I think that if a child miss out on thi learn thei ar trueli miss out! I have heard a lot late about budget cutback and all sort of monei shortag which lead to the scrape of music educ at the elementari and high shchool level, that realli stink but there is still a wai that you, wether your a mother a father a student or just someon who want to learn someth new can plai some great music.! You just have to take the time to learn.